Aurigas - Emotional Transformation, Concious Expansion

Online Sessions

In the online consultation, we will work together through videoconferencing, via Skype, WhatsApp, or FaceTime. By using the Meditation of the Auriga and a judgment-free listening, we will try to establish a dialogue between your conscious mind and your emotional body, to identify the obstacles that are interfering between your longings and the life you wish to create.



We will help you discover and transform those emotions, misconceptions, and false beliefs that lie behind your stress, anxiety, depression, isolation, emotional pain, etc. A profound and lovingly guided path toward greater clarity, confidence, and self-awareness.

How to Set up an Online Appointment

1. Fill out this simple form:

Atención: Los campos marcados con * son obligatorios.

2. You can make your payment using the PayPal 'Donar' button that you will find below. The investment for an online session is 55 USD (around 1050 Mexican pesos). You can find the equivalent to any other currency with the converter below:

3. We can hold our session via Skype, FaceTime, or WhatsApp. If you do not have access to any of these, you can easily download Skype here:

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